Announcing Alpine Parrot

Many of you have been following along with my Year of the Pants series - thank you!! Even though I've finished my own, personal, pair of hiking pants, the year isn't even close to over!
So like any project that's hit its first milestones, I'm scaling this puppy up. And I'm doing it in a soaring, spreading my wings kind of way: I've started a company! 🙊
It's with great pleasure that I introduce you to Alpine Parrot, an outdoor apparel company for plus size women. It's like Patagonia for plus size, but with less of the aggressive hanging-from-the-rock-by-a-pinky ethos. It's like Lane Bryant for outdoor adventurers, but a little less fashion-centric and indoors-y. Really, it's like nothing you've ever seen before, because the plus size market is grossly underserved in outdoor apparel!
At Alpine Parrot, I'm starting with hiking pants: the same pants you've seen in my latest prototype post (but better, of course!) will be available for sizes 14-24, with more sizes becoming available in due course.1

3-season, 5-good-sized-pocket, water- and abrasion-resistant hiking pants (not necessarily in this color), in sizes 14-24!
What's next?
So where do we go from here? While I'll be working my butt off to make pants available for sale before the end of the year2, I sincerely hope that you'll help me out in one of the following ways:
- Sign up for the newsletter and keep up to date with all the goings-on in Alpine Parrot land
- Follow Alpine Parrot on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook
- Tell as many of your friends about Alpine Parrot, either by sharing this blog post or by pointing them to the website. Share via text, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, email, smoke signal, carrier pigeon... whatever will get this information to the people who need to hear about it!3
My goal is to produce 50-100 pairs of pants by the end of the year, and I'll be posting more on Alpine Parrot's social media, with bits and pieces here as well.
And for those that are curious: yes, Alpine Parrot is now my full-time gig, and I absolutely cannot wait to see how far I can get (with your help, of course!) 🎉
Stay tuned for more!!
Are you as excited as I am? Have questions/thoughts/comments? Add 'em down below, please!
1 I am, for the moment, but a one-woman shop, with only so many hours in a day to draft, cut, sew, and ship. It is my every intention to go up to size 30 as I scale!
2 The hustle and grind are ON. Despite the current pandemic, I am inspired by the number of other companies getting creative with their businesses; I will be no less creative, I promise!
3 If you're at a loss for what you might want to say, here's one idea! 😄
FINALLY! Alpine Parrot (@alpineparrotco) is a new outdoor apparel company for plus size women, courtesy of @rockbot! I'm so excited this is happening!! #yotp #PantsOfTheYear
FINALLY! Alpine Parrot (@alpineparrotco) is a new outdoor apparel company for plus size women, courtesy of @_rockbot_! I'm so excited this is happening!!
#alpineparrot #yotp #PantsOfTheYear